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Minneapolis-St Paul Mesothelioma Attorneys

If you have been diagnosed with Mesothelioma and are looking for a lawyer who can help, look no further. Searching for a Mesothelioma lawyer on the web can be frustrating; so many of the results on Google are nationwide companies who gather as many cases as possible and sell them to their “referral network”. We can give you the personal attention you need in this difficult time and ensure that the parties responsible arrange for your security in the future. Do not hesitate to contact us directly to talk about your case. We offer a free initial consultation and are willing to make home or hospital visits as necessary.

What is Mesothelioma?
Mesothelioma is a type of cancer predominantly caused by prolonged and repeated exposure to asbestos. The mesothelium, a protective lining around most of the body’s organs, is where the malignant cells are found. The outer lining of the lungs and internal chest wall (the pleura) is the most commonly effected area, but Mesothelioma may also occur in the abdominal lining (peritoneum), or the sac that surrounds your heart (pericardium). These different types of Mesothelioma are basically names to specify where the cancer is located.

How can a Lawyer help me?
Mesothelioma is caused by asbestos exposure; therefore your employer or other party responsible for your asbestos exposure can be held responsible. Medical bills, lost wages and unexpected changes to your life as a result of the illness are likely causing great financial strain. We can work to get the best recovery possible and make things a little easier.

Asbestos litigation is the longest and most expensive mass tort in U.S. history, involving over 8,000 defendants and almost a quarter of a million claimants through 2002. However, litigation can be difficult due to the multiplicity of factors playing a role in your case. That is why hiring an experienced and dedicated Mesothelioma lawyer is so crucial. We will do everything in our power to find the responsible parties, and make sure you get the best possible settlement.

Symptoms and Diagnosis of your Mesothelioma / Asbestos Case
Mesothelioma can often take 30 to 50 years to start showing symptoms. Some of the most common symptoms include but are not limited to: shortness of breath, coughing, pain in the chest, weight loss, abdominal swelling and blood clotting. Mesothelioma diagnosis can be difficult because the symptoms are similar to several other conditions. Diagnosis should include a review of medical history in combination with a review of possible or likely asbestos exposure history.

Who is at Risk for Mesothelioma?
In short, anyone who has been exposed to asbestos. While there are a few very rare cases of Mesothelioma that have not been tied to asbestos exposure, the great majority are. Asbestos was widely used as far back as the 1800s and became very common through the World War II era. The inhalation of asbestos fibers causes mesothelioma or asbestos lung cancer. Even extremely low exposure levels to asbestos fibers or dust can be very dangerous.

Patients exposed to asbestos fibers on the job or in the workplace are victims of what is referred to as occupational exposure. Paraoccupational exposure refers to Mesothelioma contracted by a family member or someone close to the person who was exposed. In a sense, it is ‘second-hand mesothelioma’. This form of asbestos exposure can be harder to determine but it is typically contracted by a family member of someone who has been exposed in the workplace.

In the same way, those that have homes or work near facilities that have asbestos may also be at risk even though there is not obvious direct contact. The fine asbestos dust can easily be carried by the wind over long distances.

Industries that potentially could have been a source of asbestos are: factories, shipyards, power plants, oil refineries, steel manufacturing plants, and any company or job site involved with the removal of old building materials. The demolition of buildings that contain asbestos can release the dust into the environment, and trucks hauling the materials can further spread the fine asbestos fibers.

Consider that in the 1940s asbestos was as commonly used as fiberglass is today. Anyone who would come in contact with building materials from previous eras is likely been exposed to asbestos.

Likewise, people who live near these types of sites likely to have asbestos around the facility are also at risk: refineries, power plants, factories, shipyards, steel mills and building demolition are types of work sites that can release asbestos fibers into the environment and contaminate nearby residential neighborhoods.

How much does it cost to hire a Mesothelioma Lawyer?
You pay nothing. When we recover for you, we are paid a portion of that recovery. There is no cost to call; there is no cost to meet with us. You have nothing to lose by calling. We have helped others, and we hope to help you. Click here to contact Johnston Martineau, Minnesota Mesothelioma Lawyers today.

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“The entire team at Johnston Martineau is very personable and truly care about their clients. They go the extra mile to help out their people and community. Would highly recommend.”
Paxton Moreno
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