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Protect Yourself From The Possibility Of A Motorcycle Accident

Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

Each year, thousands of motorcyclists are severely injured in accidents on highways and neighborhood roadways. From broken bones to internal injuries, the physical damage can be considerable. However, there are a few ways you can protect yourself from the possibility of a motorcycle accident and the financial and physical damages that might occur.

  1. Carry Proper Insurance 

Most states require you to carry insurance on your motorcycle, and even if you live in a state that does not require coverage, it is wise to obtain a policy anyway. If you cause an accident and lack insurance, you will likely have to pay for property damages and any physical injuries that occur to the other driver. Liability insurance can help protect you from these costs if you are found at fault for an accident. If you are unsure what type of motorcycle insurance you require in your state, you can search online for a local representative to assist you.

  1. Practice Defensive Driving 

Some motorcycle accidents happen because car and truck drivers fail to see a motorcyclist when he or she changes lanes. To prevent being sideswiped or struck when making a turn, ensure that surrounding drivers are aware of your presence and do not assume your right of way will protect you. Use your turn signals and use additional caution when making a left turn at an intersection with no protected left-hand turn signals.

  1. Attend Riding Courses 

While you might have attended motorcycle driving courses when you first obtained your license, the rules of the road may have changed since then. Taking an occasional refresher course can help you become a better defensive driver, and some insurance companies offer discounts on your policy after the completion of each course. You can contact your local motor vehicle department for information about the time and location of these classes.

  1. Maintain Your Bike 

Each time you mount your motorcycle, you might want to ask yourself if it is safe to ride. Bald tires, faulty brakes and a lack of proper mirrors can all cause accidents and injury, so maintaining your bike can reduce the risk. Store your motorcycle properly during bad weather or over the winter months to protect its moving parts and have it inspected at least once a year by a certified mechanic.

There is a certain risk involved with motorcycle riding, but discovering ways to protect yourself can lower your chances of being involved in an accident. 

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