Leading Cargo Truck Accident Lawyer Minneapolis MN
Cargo trucks are enormous and filled with goods that make these trucks extremely heavy and extremely dangerous in the event of an accident. Unfortunately, they can also be difficult to control, especially in icy Minnesota winters, which makes them more susceptible to accidents than other vehicles.
Getting into an accident with a cargo truck is extremely dangerous. These drivers and trucking companies assume a tremendous amount of risk and are often found liable for causing accidents with passenger vehicles due to negligence or overly aggressive driving. However, truck drivers themselves may also be entitled to damages if they’re forced into an accident due to another driver’s negligence or other avoidable hazards.
These accidents are rarely straightforward and typically carry huge personal injury and property damage claims. Whether you were hurt in a truck accident or you’re a driver who feels they’re not at fault, our cargo truck accident lawyer Minneapolis, MN can be an invaluable resource.
At Johnston | Martineau PLLP, we specialize in truck accidents and have extensive experience with victims, truckers, and truck companies. When you’ve established your safety, your next call should be to Johnston | Martineau PLLP.
Potential Cargo Truck Liability
Cargo truck drivers are governed by federal and state traffic laws, as well as commercial trucking regulations. These comprehensive guidelines raise the liability stakes for drivers. Any action or inaction that violates any of these regulations may allow the driver to be found negligent in a court of law.
Moreover, the strict regulations expose trucking companies to lawsuits as well as drivers. Common violations like exceeding maximum weight limits or failing to properly secure cargo may justify a victim’s lawsuit. Most of the time, all they need is a police report citing a violation in order to win a case.
The liability makes truck drivers and trucking companies particularly vulnerable to lawsuits. For victims, a Minneapolis, MN cargo truck accident lawyer can provide legal guidance to recover damages for medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering, or even wrongful death. Truckers and trucking companies, on the other hand, can benefit from an experienced cargo truck accident lawyer to defend them in court.
In either case, it’s in your best interest to contact our cargo accident lawyers in Minneapolis, MN as soon as possible.
How Johnston | Martineau PLLP Can Help
Johnston | Martineau PLLP has extensive experience in truck accidents. Whether it’s cargo trucks, 18-wheelers, tractor trailers, big rigs, or other trucking-related incidents, we have the unique, tailored experience of working with both victims and trucking companies to navigate this nuanced part of the law.
After a cargo truck accident, there may be extensive damages and personal injuries. The resulting legal maze can wear out victims and defendants alike, which is where our cargo accident lawyers come in.
We can investigate incidents to get to the bottom of what really happened, devise a legal strategy, navigate insurance claims, and recover any necessary damages.
Contact Our Commercial Truck Accident Lawyer Minneapolis MN
Truck accidents are complex and unique issues. You need a legal team that understands them. Contact Johnston | Martineau PLLP today to discuss your cargo truck accident and explore how we can help.