Injury Law Firm St. Paul MN
On-the-job injuries are generally associated with workplace accidents, such as slips and falls or strains that occur due to lifting heavy objects. Unfortunately for workers in a variety of fields, acts of violence on the part of customers or coworkers have become an increasingly common concern. These incidents can end up being severe and potentially deadly, and it is important for employees to be aware of the risks. The following is a brief overview from our St. Paul Minnesota injury law firm. Call our office for more detailed information.
Workplace Violence
Workplace violence is not something that occurs infrequently, nor are these incidents of random cases that are sensationalized by the media. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) reports that roughly two million Americans are victims of violent attacks by clients or other employees each year, making it one of the leading causes of job-related death. Violence is a growing concern across the country and has the potential to impact any employee, but OSHA advises that people who work with the general public face increased risks. This includes the following:
- Customer service representatives
- Retail workers
- Food and beverage employees
- Delivery drivers and letter carriers
- Public utility workers
- Law enforcement officials
- EMS and other emergency providers
- Social workers, counselors, and therapists
- Doctors, nurses, and others in the medical field
Protecting Yourself on the Job
To protect employees against workplace violence, OSHA advises employers and supervisors to take a zero-tolerance policy when it comes to any type of threat. Policies should be incorporated into workplace manuals, and all employees should be aware of procedures to follow in the event of an emergency. You can help protect yourself when on the job by doing the following:
- Learn how to recognize and avoid potentially violent situations.
- Attend training seminars to learn tactics on how to deescalate situations.
- Alert supervisors immediately to any concerns you have, either about a customer or a coworker.
- Avoid entering situations or areas which you could make you vulnerable to attack.
- Be aware of emergency exits and alarms in your office or building.
In the event you are injured as the result of violence on the job, you may be able to get benefits through your state’s workers’ compensation laws. You may also be entitled to file a personal injury claim against the suspect or other third parties involved. An attorney from an injury law firm St. Paul MN residents rely on can help.
Reach Out to a St. Paul MN Injury Law Firm Today for Help
When serious injuries jeopardize your health and your ability to provide for your loved ones, get the professional legal representation you need. Contact JOHNSTON | MARTINEAU, PLLP, an injury law firm St. Paul MN clients recommend. We can arrange a free consultation with a skilled personal injury lawyer St. Paul MN victims trust who can advise you on the best course of action in your case. Your attorney will also evaluate the losses you have suffered and determine what type of financial compensation you may be entitled to.