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Estate Planning Attorney in Minnesota

Minnesota Estate Planning Attorney

Estate planning is something that many people put off to the side and don’t want to spend too much time thinking about. When they do think about it, it tends to cause headaches and stress. This doesn’t have to be the case though as help does exist for these types of affairs. An estate planning attorney in Minnesota from Johnston | Martineau, P.L.L.P. can help you alleviate those headaches and stress and make your estate planning seamless. We have years of experience helping our clients craft out wills, trusts and other estate related items.  

What’s Considered Part of the Estate?

Your estate includes many of the items and assets that you have earned or collected throughout your life. This would include things like money and jewelry, assets like automobiles, real estate and properties and also stocks. There are some other things that fall into a different category than the estate which include some types of insurance properties. It’s best to discuss these things with an estate planning attorney in Minnesota in order to better understand what does and doesn’t constitute as part of the estate.

Steps to Take to Ensure Your Estate is Safe

It can be hard to relinquish control of your assets and the things that you have earned throughout your lifetime, but if you or your loved one are getting to a point where it’s hard to manage these things, then it’s time to look into assigning a power of attorney. By designating a power of attorney you can be assured that someone close to you can make important decisions in the event that you are unable to do so due to medical reasons or incapacitation. 

Some other important things to consider are making a will and even a living will. A will is the document that can be prepared to lay out in detail where or who your assets will go to in the case of death. It also designates who will become a guardian to your children if they are under 18. A living will differs from a will in that this document reveals what type of potentially life saving means you will allow or won’t allow. For example, if you are gravely ill and in a coma, this document would authorize what type of life saving actions could or couldn’t be administered in order to attempt and save your life. An attorney from Johnston | Martineau, P.L.L.P. can go into further detail about all of these things and ensure that you are preparing yourself and your family for estate planning and related issues successfully.

Obtaining Legal Counsel

Estate planning can be difficult to deal with and finding out about all of the nuisances and different taxes and other things can be daunting. Discussing these matters with someone that has experience in the estate planning realm can aid you in a great manner. If you would like to discuss these matters with an estate planning attorney in Minnesota, then Johnston | Martineau, P.L.L.P. is the firm for you. With years of experience in estate planning we can give you professional advice and take care of the matters that are dearest to you. 

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