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Personal Injury MN Johnston Martineau

Rear-End Accident Lawyer St. Paul MN

A rear-end accident lawyer St. Paul MN families rely on from Johnston Martineau, PLLP is ready to help you after a recent car accident. You may be in pain, have medical bills piling up, are missing work, and are emotionally trying to overcome what happened. Even minor fender benders can cause bodily injury, so never underestimate the effects of a vehicle collision. Anyone who was part of a rear-end accident that was not their fault is advised to speak with a lawyer at our law firm as quickly as possible. Do not wait until something goes awry to get legal help, as we can protect you from the start. 

Common Rear-End Accident Injuries

When someone decides to drive unsafely, they are putting others on the road in danger. Too many people speed around without care for those around them, and can cause tragic accidents to unfold. Devastatingly, it seems to be the most innocent people who were at the wrong location at the wrong moment in time who end up suffering the most.

Here is a list of some of the most common rear-end accident injuries that a car accident lawyer St. Paul MN residents trust may have represented in the past: 

Whiplash is the most prominent injury that people report after a rear-end collision. A violent, sudden movement of the neck and head can cause soft tissue damage. This is especially true when the driver is caught unaware and is unable to brace for the crash. Muscles that were relaxed just moments prior, may contract in a painful way seconds after impact. 

Spinal Cord Damage/Paralysis
If damage to the spinal cord is serious enough, the victim may be left partially or completely paralyzed. The degree of paralysis can depend on what areas were affected from the crash, and how severe the injury is. A person is at a greater chance of being paralyzed when the spinal discs and/or brain was injured. 

Traumatic Brain Injury
Regardless of the speed when the crash took place, any injury to the head is considered an emergency. Airbags may have deployed properly and helped protect the driver or passenger’s head, but a brain injury can still be sustained. Never wait to get medical care if you suspect that a brain injury could have happened. And keep in mind that a brain injury can still occur even if there is no external visible wound. Signs of a traumatic brain injury include: 

  • Dizziness
  • Fatigue
  • Loss of consciousness
  • Impaired speech
  • Changes in behavior or personality
  • Reduced cognitive performance
  • Nausea and/or vomiting 

Contact Johnston Martineau, PLLP

We offer free consultation for new clients at no charge to you, so you can have your questions answered and decide if having a lawyer is the right choice for you. To hear more, call Johnston Martineau, PLLP for prompt legal advice and protection from a rear-end accident lawyer in St. Paul, Minnesota.

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