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Personal Injury MN Johnston Martineau

3 Examples of Personal Injury Cases

Personal Injury Lawyer

Personal injury law spans the gamut of possible legal cases. When one person is hurt because someone else acted recklessly or negligently, the victim is entitled to compensation for the injury. This is the foundation of a personal injury claim. There are several categories into which personal injury actions fit. Here are a few of the most popular case types involving negligence and injury:

Medical Malpractice

The medical community is responsible for the care of others. Doctors, nurses, technicians, clinics, and hospitals — basically any person or entity that performs medical care — can, at some point, be negligent in that care. Doctors are especially vulnerable to personal injury lawsuits since they are responsible for the bulk of diagnosing patients and creating treatment plans. When one makes a mistake, it can mean life or death for a patient. While not every error rises to negligence, the ones that do might be some of the most devastating. Any kind of medical mistake where the provider failed to follow a proper course of action may fall into a personal injury claim.

Slip, Trip, and Fall

When a person goes to a business or even to work and suffers a fall, there are times when it is just an accident. However, if there were conditions present that made falling much more plausible, then the resulting incident may fall under a personal injury claim. Property owners are responsible for ensuring that sidewalks and outdoor steps are maintained so as not to cause a hazard. Businesses must ensure that floor conditions are kept dry and free of debris. When someone falls due to a foreseeable danger, the owner may be on the hook for it. Negligence does not have only to mean a careless act, but also ignoring a condition that could cause others harm.

Car Crash

The most common personal injury claims resulting from motor vehicle collisions. When a driver is deemed responsible for a crash by the police or insurance company, the person harmed may file a lawsuit against both the driver and their insurance company. Doing this may help cover excessive medical expenses, reimburse deductibles, and receive extra compensation for injuries that have drastically changed the course of the innocent driver’s life.

There are other examples of personal injury cases beyond these. If you believe that you may be the victim of someone else’s negligence, you may want to check in with a lawyer, for guidance.

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