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Personal Injury MN Johnston Martineau

The Most Common Work Injuries

Personal Injury Lawyer

The severity of the resultant injuries may vary, but even relatively minor injuries can require days away from work to receive treatment and heal.

Though the risks in different occupations may be different, some of the injuries that can result are similar to one another. Here are the work-related injuries you will most likely encounter regardless of your occupation.

1. Repetitive Stress Injuries

Repetitive injuries can result from performing the same physical actions over and over again, which puts strain on muscles and other body tissues. Working in an awkward position may be a contributing factor. Though repetitive stress injuries come on slowly, the pain they cause can be debilitating, preventing you from working or engaging in other activities.

Repetitive stress has been recognized as the underlying cause behind hundreds of work-related injuries. They can affect almost everyone, from manual laborers to clerical workers. Short breaks to rest and change position may help prevent these types of injuries.

2. Overexertion

Like repetitive stress injuries, overexertion results from pushing your body too hard. However, while RSIs occur gradually, overexertion injuries usually occur acutely. A common cause of overexertion is attempting to lift or carry a heavy object, especially without the proper ergonomic techniques or assistance.

3. Falls

Falls in the workplace can occur for many reasons. You may trip due to an uneven walking surface, clutter, or poor lighting. You may slip on loose rugs, icy walkways, or occasional spills. Whatever the cause, a fall at work may result in acute injuries such as the following:

  • Ligament sprains
  • Muscles strains
  • Lacerations
  • Bone fractures

In many cases, injuries such as these are relatively mild, although they may take a long time to heal. However, falls can also result in more severe injuries to the brain or spinal cord.

4. Contact With Objects and Equipment

Contact with objects and equipment is a vague, generic term. An example of this type of injury is if you get a part of your body caught between moving parts of a piece of machinery. This type of injury can also occur if an object were to fall down on you or crash into you, or if you were to run into the object.

If your employer’s negligence contributed to your injury, you may be able to claim compensation for it. One of our attorneys may be able to help you get your employer to accept responsibility. Schedule a consultation by contacting our office.

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