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Estate Planning Lawyer Minnesota

Estate Planning Lawyer Minnesota

Estate Planning Lawyer MinnesotaWorking on an estate plan early can have many advantages, as an estate planning attorney in Minnesota can elaborate on. When you obtain legal services to help you manage your estate after your death, you can count on an estate planning attorney like one from Johnston Martineau PLLP. You likely have many questions about what to expect. Here are some of the most common questions an estate planning attorney typically receives. 

What is an estate plan?

An estate plan is a set of legal documents that include information about your estate, its value, number of assets, and how you wish to distribute it, such as if you wish to pass on assets to loved ones. The person who creates the estate plan can specify their wishes and directions for how they want their estate to be handled in the event of their sudden death, medical emergency, or other incident where they are unable to communicate their wishes. 

What is the purpose of an estate plan?

Making a plan that entails how you want your estate to be managed after your pass away is critical. If you have family members you want to provide for, assets you want to distribute, and organizations you would like to donate to for example, making an estate plan can address all of those things. it would be helpful if you clearly laid out your instructions for how you want that to be executed. It ensures that the court understands your wishes and can distribute your estate accordingly, making it faster and easier for your family members to receive their inheritance. 

What are common documents in an estate plan?

There is no one set structure that defines an estate plan, but there are basic documents you will want to include. A last will and testament, living will, advanced directives, designation of beneficiaries, and powers of attorney are all items a strong estate plan usually has. In addition to the management of your estate, it is good to include documents that address what decisions regarding your health that you want made on your behalf. This includes life-saving medical procedures and who you want to authorize to make medical decisions for you. 

What are estate planning services that a lawyer provides? 

They can assist you with a wide range of services related to your estate. Services that an estate planning attorney can provide you are legal advice and counsel, preparing paperwork, determining the value of your estate, organizing records, finding ways to reduce your estate taxes, and much more. When your plan is complete, a lawyer can also regularly update it so that it has the most current information.

How can I benefit from an estate plan lawyer?

Because estate laws are highly complex and sophisticated, many people hire an attorney who specializes in the practice area to assist them. Attempting to handle all the tasks involved with estate planning on your own can quickly become overwhelming, and when you are dealing with laws and processes that you may not be familiar with, it is best to let a professional provide you with hands-on support. With a lawyer’s help they will ensure that you prepare a plan that fits your needs and fulfills legal requirements. 

Request a consultation with a trusted estate planning lawyer in Minnesota now. 

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